Welcome to Truth Recovery

Truth Recovery’s Mission is to show the Addict/Alcoholic how to completely rebuild and transform their lives. At Truth Recovery we will equip each individual that comes through our doors with the necessary tools and skills to live productive, happy, and sober lives. 

A Little About Us

On February 20th 2018, my life was changed forever. It was the last day I used drugs and alcohol in any capacity. After I left treatment, in March of 2018, I was lost with no direction and completely broken. I was offered the opportunity to go to a recovery house and quickly realized it was exactly what I needed. This experience gave me more than just structure and a foundation for recovery in my life – It gave me purpose and shed light on what has become one of my greatest life goals, helping others who struggle with the same disease I suffered from. My goal today is to give each individual that steps in a Truth Recovery house the same life skills and experiences that helped me transform my life to what it is today.

Need Help?

We’re just a phone call or text away. You are not alone. 

(445) 900-3616

Our Programs

Narcan Training

It is an absolute necessity that anyone with a history of opioid addiction knows how to correctly administer Narcan. Especially in a recovery house setting. 

Credit Rebuilding

At Truth Recovery LLC we believe in doing everything possible to rebuild the lives of every individual that walks through our doors.

Family Therapy

The family dynamic can be extremely difficult to navigate in recovery; for both the families as well as the individual. We all need to heal.

Holistic Healing

We are taught that the disease of addiction is a three fold disease, mental, spiritual, and physical. In order to truly recover we must address each of these aspects equally. 

Financial Advising

Truth Recovery partnered with trained professionals to bring our residents a basic guide to establishing and rebuilding their finances.

Sports and Activities

It is extremely important for individuals early in recovery to create a life they love and don’t want to give up. We believe that when the individual creates a life full of activities and camaraderie it gives them a true sense of happiness and purpose. Those qualities go a long way to establishing and maintaining long term sobriety. 

In Walking Distance From:

Need Help?

We’re just a phone call or text away. You are not alone. 

(445) 900-3616


138 Belmont Avenue
Croydon, PA 19102

Social Media

© 2023 Created by Britt McCormick
Truth Recovery LLC